C-130 2015

Charleston, SC is home to some of the most humble human beings on the planet. Folks with culture, humility, a desire to help folks, and passion. There isn’t a spot on this planet that has people as hospitable as Charleston. And if that’s not a good enough reason to visit this beautiful city, hopefully C-130 is. What is C-130? In short, it is a highly regarded aviation trade show that’ll be held from October 25-26, 2015. And by highly regarded, we mean that people from all over the world will be attending. Professionals and enthusiasts alike have made it a priority to be in attendance this year, and with this much passion, with this much gumption in one place, there is no question that the trade show will be absolutely majestic.

We hope you will be attending. Many of Laversab Aviation System’s top minds will be in attendance, and will be excited for the opportunity to share the greatest aviation equipment with people from all over the world. If you’ve got other priorities, see what you can do – try and alter your schedule. This trade show is really going to be worth the time. Trust me.

Location: Charleston, SC
Date: October 25-26, 2015