
The Heli-Expo trade show is an annual event sponsored by Helicopter Association International (HAI) that’s touted as the world’s largest helicopter trade show and exposition today! This event brings together members of the global helicopter industry. HAI’s Heli-Expo enables aviation industry professionals to network, develop solutions, discuss the latest innovations and share feedback. This Dallas-area trade show is amongst the most popular in the aviation industry and Laversab once again looks forward to sharing our products and technological breakthroughs with like-minded individuals.

The team at Laversab Aviation Systems is proud to be a regular participant of Heli-Expo. This prestigious convention gave us the opportunity to share our highly popular pitot static systems with a global audience and we look forward to presenting other aviation-related products with those in the industry. Tickets for Heli-Expo go fast, so be sure to reserve your spot in this momentous helicopter trade show and exposition today!

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Date: Feb 27 - Mar 01, 2018
Website: heliexpo.rotor.org
Booth: TBD